Saturday, September 22, 2007

A slight bump in the road.

My meeting last sabbath went great, but I was unable to take the results to the rest of the church board meeting on Monday.

Unfortunately, Sunday I was in a pretty terrible car accident, and I ended up spending that night and much of Monday in the emergency room. I'm fine, but I was in no shape to go out to a meeting after getting home.

Pretty much every part of my body has at least a cut or bruise. None are particularly serious, but it's uncomfortable to say the least.

Anywho, I guess the ideas we gathered can wait a month if they have to, but I'm going to at least get moving on the game night, perhaps meet with the social comity and see if they'd be willing to put it together, and I'll write up my notes from the meeting and make sure the other board members get a copy.

In the mean time, I'm going to rest a bit, and hopefully get the insurance issues worked out and find a new car. Too bad, I really like my car :( The guy who hit me was drunk, didn't have insurance or a license, and was an illegal alien.

That pretty much leaves me with no good options for collecting from him, but luckily I have really great insurance myself that should take care of everything.

The only bad part is that the guy who am working with over at State Farm is completely disinterested and a total jerk, but hopefully I'll be done dealing with him soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.